Microflow-B-PES – MFBG020
They allow obtaining highpurity liquids in small volumes in biopharmaceutical (B) applications.
The capsule design maximizes efficiency allowing for an easy and fast interchange without any time-consuming cleaning processes.
All components comply with -XXIV USP Class VI - 121°C standard and are thermally sealed to guarantee integrity and reduction of extractables.
- Construction Materials:
- Membrane: mirrored-anisotropic
polyethersulfone (PES).
- Support sheets: Polypropylene
- Structure: Polypropylene
- Capsuling: Polypropylene
- Maximum operating differential pressure in filtration direction:
- 4.8 bar (70 psid) at 24°C
- 2.4 bar (35 psid) at 60°C
- 1.4 bar (20 psid) at 75°C
- Maximum operating differential pressure in reverse filtration direction:
- 2.1 bar (30 psid) at 24°C
- Sterilization:capsules can be autoclaved up to 25 times to 135°C or sanitized in-situ using authorized chemical agents.
- Retention of bacteria: documented removal (LRV > 106 per cm2) to 0.2 mm, according to HIMA present method (Method ASTM F838-83).
- Uses:
- Serum and Vaccines,
- Culture media,
- Preparations containing proteins,
- Parenteral solutions,
- Buffer solutions and reagents
Obtaining small volumes of beverages. |